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Atlas Copco XAS 188 KD Diesel Air Compressor

Atlas Copco XAS 188 KD Diesel Air Compressor


The Atlas Copco XAS 188 KD is a single-stage oil-injected rotary screw type air compressor, powered by a liquid-cooled, three cylinder diesel engine.

The unit consists of an air end, diesel engine, cooling circuit, air/oil separation and control systems - all enclosed within a sound dampened HardHatTM polyethylene shell. Unique features – 110% fluid containment, internal toolbox, external lifting eye, new easy to use controller XC1004.


Model XAS 188 KD
Actual free air delivery (FAD)cfm 189
Normal effective working pressurePsi100
Maximum unloading pressurePsi125
Minimum working pressurePsi58
Max. sound pressure level @ 23’ (7m) at normal working speed & pressure 76
Compression Stages 1
Air Receiver CapacityUS Gal (L)4.76 (18.0)
Approximate air outlet temperature°F (°C)200 (93)
Air Compressor outlets 2 x 3⁄4”
Max. ambient temperature (at sea level)°F (°C)122 (50)
Maximum altitudeft (m)9842 (3000)
Minimum starting temperature (without cold weather options), standard TBV°F (°C)14 (-10)
Minimum starting temperature (with cold weather options)°F (°C)-13 (-25)


Emissions RegulationUS EPATier 4 Final
US EPA Engine Family KKBXL01.8EMD
Output at rated speed (2700 rpm)HP49,6
Number of cylinders 3
Aspiration Turbocharged
Displacementcu in (L)111.4 (1.82)
Engine speed (Unloaded)rpm1800
Engine speed (Maximum loaded)rpm2700
Engine oil capacityUS Gal (L)1.62 (6.1)
Engine coolant capacityUS Gal (L)2.6 (9.9)
Fuel tank capacityUS Gal (L)27 (102)
Fuel consumption at 100% loadGal/Hr (L/Hr)2.37 (8.97)
Fuel consumption at 75% loadGal/Hr (L/Hr)2.15 (8.14)
Fuel consumption at 50% loadGal/Hr (L/Hr)1.69 (6.40)
Fuel consumption at 25% loadGal/Hr (L/Hr)1.35 (5.11)
Fuel consumption at 0% loadGal/Hr (L/Hr)1.13 (4.28)
Electrical System (Negative Ground)V12
Battery Capacity (Cold Cranking Amps)A725


XC2003 Controller Functionality:

Displayed while running

- Hours

- Fuel level


- Outlet pressure


• Operational Buttons

- Start and stop of the unit

- View measurements, settings and alarms

- Graphical representations of the alarms


• Compressor measurements displayed

- Running hours

- Fuel level

- Clock

- Battery voltage

- Regulating pressure

- Minor and major service counters in hours and


- Compressor element temperature


• Engine measurements displayed

- Current fuel rate

- Engine coolant temperature

- Engine oil pressure

- Engine RPM


• Warnings and Shutdowns

- High temperature engine coolant

- High temperature compressor oil

- Engine oil pressure

- Low fuel level


• Alarms

- View current & historical alarms present

- DM1: View current engine codes (SPN/FMI)


• Settings

- Reset service timers

- Diagnostics for engine ECU

- Unit of measure changes


  • XAS 188 KD


    Model   XAS 188 KD
    Actual free air delivery (FAD) cfm  189
    Normal effective working pressure Psi 100
    Maximum unloading pressure Psi 125
    Minimum working pressure Psi 58
    Max. sound pressure level @ 23’ (7m) at normal working speed & pressure   76
    Compression Stages   1
    Air Receiver Capacity US Gal (L) 4.76 (18.0)
    Approximate air outlet temperature °F (°C) 200 (93)
    Air Compressor outlets   2 x 3⁄4”
    Max. ambient temperature (at sea level) °F (°C) 122 (50)
    Maximum altitude ft (m) 9842 (3000)
    Minimum starting temperature (without cold weather options), standard TBV °F (°C) 14 (-10)
    Minimum starting temperature (with cold weather options) °F (°C) -13 (-25)
    Engine Kubota


    Emissions Regulation US EPA Tier 4 Final
    US EPA Engine Family   KKBXL01.8EMD
    Output at rated speed (2700 rpm) HP 49,6
    Number of cylinders   3
    Aspiration   Turbocharged
    Displacement cu in (L) 111.4 (1.82)
    Engine speed (Unloaded) rpm 1800
    Engine speed (Maximum loaded) rpm 2700
    Engine oil capacity US Gal (L) 1.62 (6.1)
    Engine coolant capacity US Gal (L) 2.6 (9.9)
    Fuel tank capacity US Gal (L) 27 (102)
    Fuel consumption at 100% load Gal/Hr (L/Hr) 2.37 (8.97)
    Fuel consumption at 75% load Gal/Hr (L/Hr) 2.15 (8.14)
    Fuel consumption at 50% load Gal/Hr (L/Hr) 1.69 (6.40)
    Fuel consumption at 25% load Gal/Hr (L/Hr) 1.35 (5.11)
    Fuel consumption at 0% load Gal/Hr (L/Hr) 1.13 (4.28)
    Electrical System (Negative Ground) V 12
    Battery Capacity (Cold Cranking Amps) A 725
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